How To Become A Patient At Chiropractic Neurology Center of Indianapolis
Congratulations on taking the next step in feeling good again! Thank you for your interest in becoming a patient in our office. Hundreds of people around the country have made the same choice.
To schedule your initial consultation you can call one of our friendly staff at (317) 848-6000 and we will get you scheduled for your appointment.
We like to get familiar with your case, and review your file, before we sit down for an initial consultation and screening examination. This allows us to be extremely familiar and focused on your case.
We strive to create phenomenal outcomes for our patients and it starts with getting to the root of the problem.
Please download and complete the intake forms so we can understand you better. Return them (along with any applicable lab work and imaging studies) to us by fax at (317) 848-6011 OR bring them with you on your initial visit.
Click on the link below to download the forms.
To schedule your initial consultation you can call one of our friendly staff at (317) 848-6000 and we will get you scheduled for your appointment.
We like to get familiar with your case, and review your file, before we sit down for an initial consultation and screening examination. This allows us to be extremely familiar and focused on your case.
We strive to create phenomenal outcomes for our patients and it starts with getting to the root of the problem.
Please download and complete the intake forms so we can understand you better. Return them (along with any applicable lab work and imaging studies) to us by fax at (317) 848-6011 OR bring them with you on your initial visit.
Click on the link below to download the forms.
**If you have trouble downloading the forms, call and we can mail, email, or fax them to you.**
If you are traveling more than 2 hours by car to our office, or if you are flying in from out of the area please let us know when you schedule so that we ensure we have enough time scheduled for your initial visit.
If you would like to see if our comprehensive approach can be the solution to your chronic health condition then schedule your case review, consultation, and examination by picking up the phone now.
One of our friendly staff will be awaiting for your call, and assure you get scheduled for the next available appointment.
We opperate from two core office policies:
1. Our mission is to help as many people as possible regain their health and meet their goals.
2. We keep care as afforadable for everyone.
Insurance may cover some of your care. We will explain how on your first visit. We will gladly pre-verify your insurance propr to your first visit so you know exactly what your coverage is in our office. Medicare does not cover nutritional care, labs, or supplements. We do not accept Medicaid.
If you are traveling more than 2 hours by car to our office, or if you are flying in from out of the area please let us know when you schedule so that we ensure we have enough time scheduled for your initial visit.
If you would like to see if our comprehensive approach can be the solution to your chronic health condition then schedule your case review, consultation, and examination by picking up the phone now.
One of our friendly staff will be awaiting for your call, and assure you get scheduled for the next available appointment.
We opperate from two core office policies:
1. Our mission is to help as many people as possible regain their health and meet their goals.
2. We keep care as afforadable for everyone.
Insurance may cover some of your care. We will explain how on your first visit. We will gladly pre-verify your insurance propr to your first visit so you know exactly what your coverage is in our office. Medicare does not cover nutritional care, labs, or supplements. We do not accept Medicaid.